Nokia 3555
Nokia 3555
The 3555 supports 262000 colors, it is a bit smaller (1.8 inches) that the display of 6555, and it has a lower resolution (128x160 pixels). The menu system is easy to understand, but the animated icons are not really accurate.
The 3555 has a 1000 telephone contacts with the place for 5 phone numbers, e-mail address, a Web site, a company name, a name, a nickname, a birthday and notes. You can also make contacts with a picture together, but bear in mind that the image does not show on the external display.
The 3555 has a battery which can last for five hours in conversation and 10 days of standby. But 1 of my friends having this model complaint that the battery is lousy. He has had the battery replace for 2 times but still the battery can last for very fast. And he has problem with the phone as the phone can turns itself off when he close the flip.a job title,a street name.