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Nokia 2760


Nokia 2760 is a flip phone and 'sold at low prices in different market of' electronic words not exceed 100 dollars and it is not 'evil.
L 'aesthetic is not' evil, recalls much of UMTS mobile phones LG, but not 'UMTS, and then nothing video but only received four band GSM technology. The camera in the phone and 'nice and aims only to the' outside world, not gerbil for the video.
You can store pictures, games in a memory of 11 MB that furs and 'a little scarce but you can still expand.
Obviously the price of 'apparatus not rise to large devices memorizations.
However zoom and for 4 and then just like my digital camera.
The software of which 'works well together and images can be stored via USB connection to our laptop or fixed should be.
Bello and 'the external monitoring blue blue, and that' a colour very warm welcome that view especially at night.
On display are given the 'now standby el' call waiting or reception of some messages.
The cellular as a whole and 'solid and elegant but at the same time functional and sporty.
How action I recommend headphones and bluetooth which is supported by this phone.
The notes are negative weight of 'apparatus that brings with aches and the few hours of battery life and the electricity consumption at all.