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Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte


It's a very great mobile phone to own, but the trade-off is it's price which is quite expensive.
When the Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte was released in the market early this year, I remembered my old Nokia 8850. It's not that they have similar features, but they've got almost similar stylish packaging. But of course Nokia 8800 is the improved version in terms of style and features as well.Not like Nokia 8850, this Nokia 8800 is now 2G and 3G capable. It has a scratch-resistant glass display, a Sapphire gem stone on D pad, and have downloadable wallpapers and screen savers as well.
Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte has 1 Gigabyte user memory, although it does not have a card slot available for memory expansion. It is GPRS and 3G capable and it has a bluetooth.What's more on this mobile phone is it's 3.15 megapixels camera which is autofocus, it has a video capability, as well as Mp3 player. Moreover, battery life could take up to 300 hours standby time.